More on Value

What we value can be very different from what someone else values – the same goes for what we consider to be “invaluable”.  In my experience, there are two life skills/career skills that hold so much value to me, that I consider them invaluable skills.  The ability to communicate effectively (effectively is a KEY word here), and the ability to research (not just using Wikipedia for everything).

Why communication?  Specifically, effective communication.  I say this because everyone can communicateGraduation in one way, shape or form.  Whether we are talking about verbal or nonverbal, (nearly) everyone can communicate.  Effective communication is a skill that not everyone has.  “Effective communication helps us better understand a person or situation and enables us to resolve differences, build trust and respect, and create environments where creative ideas, problem solving, affection, and caring can flourish.”(1)

Why research?  I like to know the facts, and I love learning.  I am the person who sees, “Rattlesnake found in seatback pocket of American Wonderlands flight 908 – Bites two year old and her puppy!” and immediately do research to check the facts.  And, if you were wondering, SOLO cups were not made to measure alcohol.  The bottom portion is not for a shot, and the second line is not the “wine” line.  As believable as many of these stories may seem, they are often not true.  I am not sure if I enjoy this because I secretly like to prove people wrong, if I like researching, or if I just want to know the facts.  I suspect a combination of the three.  Switching gears (a little), what I really love about researching is the endless knowledge you can gain.  I had the tiniest inclination to learn about dinosaurs the other day, so I pulled up Google and ran some searches.  Fascinating!  Want to find out what is really in those “natural ingredients”?  No problem!  Let’s just say, you might be eating or drinking some beaver booty.  Seriously. (Shout out to Food Babe.)

These skills, to me, are invaluable.  Take a look at the picture just above this section.  Yep, that’s me.  Is it clear that I was (nonverbally) communicating how cool I thought I was for graduating with a degree in Communication Studies?  I mean, I still think it is really cool, but COME ON.  Look at that face…

(1) Robinson, Lawrence, Jeanne Segal, Ph. D., and Robert Segal, M.A. “Effective Communication.” Last updated:  December 2013. Web. 4 February 2014.