Perfecting Your Handshake

A kiss on the hand, a fist  bump, a salute, a curtsey, THE handshake. The handshake is thought to have  originated as a gesture of peace by demonstrating that the individuals  involved were free of weapons.  In today’s world, we don’t exactly shake hands  to check for concealed artilleries, but we are making some kind of nonverbal  agreement. It’s a chance to prove your confidence, honesty, and drive– proof  that you have nothing to hide.

Why It’s  Important

The second you walk through  the door for your interview, you are being interviewed. Are you wearing  a suit? What is your body language? Are you doing everything you can to make  yourself stand out from the pack, before you even open your mouth? The  handshake is imperative because following your outward appearance, your  handshake is the first impression you make. Your handshake sets the tone for the  next sixty (or so) minutes.

In a recent study of 98  college students, researchers found that “students with high  scoring handshakes were the same ones the interviewers viewed most hireable”  (

There are common  assumptions people make when they receive a firm handshake– confidence,  self-assurance, interest, focus, and drive.  On the other side of the spectrum,  a weak handshake can bring negative perceptions– insecurity, intimidation,  distraction, hesitancy, and disinterest.

Just think, no one is ever  going to think poorly of you for a firm handshake, but you are taking a risk  with a weak one.

How It Should Be  Done

The first thing to remember about  a handshake isn’t related to your hand at all, but rather, your eyes.  Make eye  contact with the person you are about to join hands with.  Hold your eyes steady  and introduct yourself, “Hello, I’m Cristin Skjegstad.  It’s so nice to meet  you!”  Concurrently, you should be reaching out to grasp their hand.  From the  wise words of Julie Laufer, “Pretend like you are pulling someone out of a  ditch.  That’s how firm your grip should be.”  Your hand won’t feel like a limp  fish, but you’re not injuring their hand either.


As the old saying goes,  practice makes perfect.  Whether you practice with your sister, father,  best friend, boyfriend, wife, or one of us here at Laufer, working on your  handshake can only make it better.  Before you know it, you won’t even think  twice about your handshake.  You’ll be a natural in no  time!