Mirror Mirror on the Wall

This post doesn’t have to do with Snow White and the Huntsman, but doesn’t Charlize Theron do an amazing job as the wicked queen?  If you haven’t seen this movie already, I highly suggest seeing it.

Conclusions I have drawn… the wall next to my bed is too empty.  I considered hanging one of my paintings, but none of them quite matched the color scheme.  I remembered that I had an old mirror that my grandmother had given me from a garage sale.  It was a mossy green color that matched the colors of my old room.  Something else I have come to realize is that my necklace stand is too short for some of my latest and greatest dangling neckalces, but I have nowhere to put them (except for in a jewelry box where they would get tangled up… forcing me to never wear them… because I hate untangling necklaces).

My plan… was to paint the mirror trim brown to match my brown, tangerine, and white room.  My next idea was to place cup hooks along the bottom of the mirror to hang my jewelry on.  Unfortunately, Michael’s (the craft store) was sold out of the cup hooks.  Thankfully, handy dandy Walmart had them in stock ($.97, nice!!!)

The creation… was exactly what I hoped for.  I wasn’t able to screw the cup hooks in by hand, so I had to use a drill with the same size screw first.  Then I just twisted the hooks in.  It took me about five minutes.  So easy!  I love how it looks on my wall.  What do you think?

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